Smile. You’re on Email!

Seeking a marketing tool that’s easy to use, inexpensive, and reaches your target audience? Look no further than your email signature.

I’m constantly astounded by the number of emails ending with “Thanks” and a name…but nothing else.

What a lost opportunity! I mean, you’re already talking with me, so why not incorporate a little subtle marketing?

Here’s how I see it: on an average day I send out 100+ emails for networking, solicitations, and project updates. At the bottom of each email is my electronic signature, acting like a business card in cyberspace. It encourages traffic to my website, touts articles I’ve written, and potentially adds value to every conversation.

I understand my emails may be forwarded or have long shelf-life. Therefore, I incorporate both the usual items (name, company, email, URL, phone) and less common items (social media links, non-profit groups I belong to, tagline).

Interestingly, the one thing that REALLY catches attention is my picture. There I am in all my glory with a big smile and (of course) my hat.

Over the years I’ve lost count how many people recognize me because they’ve seen that photo. Some have become friends, others clients. Many are both.

Think about that for a second; complete strangers recognize me, and we build a relationship…merely because they saw my picture in an email.

Pretty slick, no?

Of course, it’s important to recognize this isn’t a photograph of me at the beach or drinking a beer. It was done by a skilled portrait photographer, and purposely presents a professional image, shows my personality, and grabs attention.

Meaning it’s doing EXACTLY what I needed it to do. And the few dollars I paid to have the picture taken was a pittance compared to the value it’s brought to my personal and business worlds.

So…why aren’t YOU taking advantage of this marketing opportunity? It’s easy to implement, quickly expands your visibility in the circles you want to be traveling in, and has potential long-lasting pass-along value when your emails are shared.

In short, using your email signature more effectively could become an extremely powerful and valuable tool. And whether you send out two or 2,000 emails daily, that professional image will encourage people to remember you and your message.

With that said, I wish you a week of profitable marketing.

Write to me for a sample of my email signature.