You Can Call Me Luddite

Technology’s NOT my friend! Gone are the days of two cans and a string, and I miss them.


Actually, I probably got as good a signal then as I do today on my cell phone…but I digress.

This month reminded me I can’t run my business without a computer. Technological issues will inevitably arise, and I shouldn’t try fixing them.

Seems I pushed a button and all hell broke loose; Email accounts rebelled, lights flashed, and bells screamed at me.

For weeks I watched tutorials and pushed buttons, desperately trying to get things back on track. Finally acknowledging defeat, I call a computer professional…who solved the problem in 30 minutes.

Meaning I wasted countless hours, frustrated and tearing out my remaining hair, while she immediately found the answer. Obviously, contacting her was well worth the minimal expense.

A client of mine learned a similar lesson when she spent three hours trying to design a flier. The result was adequate, but she later wondered how much more money she could have made by focusing on growing the business and leaving the graphics to a designer.

My friend Jay observed how much more successful he became the day he outsourced administrative tasks and focused on selling his company’s services.

One can’t help but see a pattern…and I’m certain we’re not the only ones having this type of experience.

I share this cautionary tale to remind you to focus on what you do best. Despite knowing intellectually that we can’t all do everything, there’s a natural temptation among business owners to believe they’re smart enough to address whatever comes their way.

Trust me…you’re not.

The fact is we all have areas of expertise. For example, I know about marketing, but I hire a professional to handle my taxes. I consider all the hours wasted doing my own books, and know I can make much better use of that time moving forward.

Whatever your business, stay focused on what you do best and hire professionals to handle ancillary services. There’s a reason there are specialists in car repair, plumbing, graphics, and the rest.

Because no matter how talented you are, hiring specialists will take less time and save you money. By focusing on what you do best, your business will grow more.

With that said, I wish you a week of profitable marketing.

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