Good Suppliers Create Heroes
I’ve spent seven years on the board of Chairmen’s RoundTable.
There, dozens of high-level executives in every industry and discipline provide free business mentoring to CEOs looking to increase visibility, operations and profits.
Since 1997, 750-plus San Diego companies and nonprofits have benefited from their advice.
At our recent annual dinner, we honored three men who have been the backbone of CRT since the beginning. My task: provide the awards.
Such a sophisticated audience demanded class and style. Everyone loved the design I created on Dall-E, but the price tag ran roughshod on the non-existent budget.
So I turned to Matthew Merrill at Escondido’s Glaser-Bailey Awards for inspiration and guidance.
He stepped in with multiple recommendations across a range of budgets, with upscale always our primary thought.
The board’s decision: a simple, stylish vase that Matthew promised he’d have ready on time.
So far so good.
Picking up the vases two days ahead of deadline, I spotted a typo, sending us into crisis management mode. New blank vases were ordered, shipped overnight from New York, and scheduled to arrive the day of our event.
With a 5 p.m. deadline, I held my breath when I heard the FedEx guy could show up virtually any time that day.
BOY, were we cutting it close!
Picking up at 3:30, everything was perfect. The vases (which everyone loved) were on-site, on time and without further incident.
Throughout this little adventure, Matthew and his team never lost their cool. They remained good-humored and professional, even when my calls and emails were numerous and my tone approaching frantic.
And while I know I could just post a review on Google and move on, I wanted to share the value of having solid service providers in your corner to help make you look good to your associates.
Now available in paperback and on Kindle!
Because regardless of what you sell, you’re going to need reliable suppliers whose sole purpose is to make you shine.
Admittedly, Glaser-Bailey wasn’t the least expensive option. Yet if I’d just considered budget, I never would have gotten the service I needed when trouble struck. A room full of important people wouldn’t have been impressed by what I’d done, and three honorees could have easily ended up with something that looked cheap.
Which was the last thing anyone wanted for the occasion.
With that said, I wish you a week of profitable marketing.
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