Posts tagged ask mister marketing
One Possible Future of American Politics

Like Coke and Pepsi, Democrats and Republicans are brands, with voters (customers) vociferous advocates of one or the other.

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Boardsi - A Scam Geared Towards Professionals

I’d like to encourage you to be increasingly vigilant about the shysters, scam artists, and other nefarious efforts to separate you from your hard-earned money.

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The Risks of Not Showing Up

I won’t be extending myself much assisting this student, but offer him this advice. Regardless of what field you eventually end up in, recognize that you’re always going to be needing to sell yourself.

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Endorsing The Competition Is Foolish!

With cameras hiding around every corner these days, it’s virtually guaranteed that someone supporting the other team is going to be caught. It’s sure to be loud, embarrassing and will cost everyone both money and credibility.

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Giving AI Writing a Fair Shake

Artificial Intelligence is great for research, coding, and organizing vast databases, but how is it for creating original content? Here's a 3-minute read on efforts to have an AI program write a novel.

Spoiler alert: It wasn't pretty!

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About those bad business messages

Never forget that there’s a lot of competition for customer attention, and making it unpleasant for someone to call you will never help your cause.

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How Much Is Your Time Worth?

When someone repeatedly disrespects your time, you must take control or they’ll have no incentive to change their behavior.

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The Demise of Encinitas’ Mr. Moto

No matter what you sell, there’s always someone ready to muscle in on your turf. You must constantly acquire new customers to offset the attrition of people leaving you to buy elsewhere.

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Death by PowerPoint

A good presenter uses slides as a supplement; not the main event. Too many slides means you’re disorganized or providing too much information.

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Why I Didn’t Write This Column

Hanging your own credibility on someone else’s arguably bogus tale is a one-way ticket to looking foolish, unprofessional, or both.

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Shoulda Kept Yer Mouth Shut?

Instant global prominence is a double-edged sword. Do something horrific and everyone besmirches your name. Just ask South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem.

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A glass of water — please!

Letting customers know there’s no long waiting list, or their requests are promptly answered, or their orders fulfilled overnight, etc. are all the kinds of things customers, with increasingly short patience, will want to hear.

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Don’t You Even Miss Me?

Regardless of what you sell, odds are excellent that you’ve had customers who’ve dropped off the cliff at some point, never to be seen again.

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Always Test New Marketing Strategies

Prior to investing in any new marketing idea, be sure the strategy’s appropriate for your audience. Check that you’re working with legitimate groups, and that there’s a realistic potential for significant return on your investment.

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Don’t Let This Happen To You!

This screen was obviously set up to generate revenue by showing visitors a commercial.

Yet it’s blank. Is it possible someone screwed up?

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I’d Rather Be Buying Popcorn

Annoying a captive audience with paid advertising is more likely to eliminate any good feelings the occasion might otherwise generate.

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$15 for THAT?

If this lady is generous, she’ll merely say something to the manager and be done with it. However, if she’s sufficiently irritated over this situation, she may tell all her friends, then blast the dealership on Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram … or all three.

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“I forgot my business card.”

Regardless of what you sell, you’re doubtlessly meeting lots of new people all the time. I promise that if you don’t have business cards in your pocket, you’re missing chances to reinforce in the moment who you are and what you do.

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This Is My Last Shaggy Dog Story

To encourage pet adoptions, and for the entire month of March, Helen Woodward will be open every day, cutting adoption fees in half.

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