Branding is No Laughing Matter
When doing field research for a local retail client, I found his competitors quickly ending conversations with me after I asked just a few questions.
Frustrated about consistently hitting this wall, I turned to my bride for insight. She asked me, “Do you wear your Panama hat when interviewing these companies?” To me this was a foolish question, as I’m ALWAYS wearing that hat!
With the benefit of outside perspective, she suggested everyone knew me as “the marketing guy with the hat” and had me switch to a baseball cap to provide anonymity. This made the problem disappear. The needed data rolled in, and the client was satisfied.
Flash forward to when I wrote 5 Minutes to Better Branding. I had multiple columns about my hat, including suggestions I eliminate it, the recognition it brings me and its success with my personal branding.
My editor perused them all, brandished her red pen, and had me excise several of them. Plus, I suddenly had red marker all over my monitor.
Yes, that hat is important to me. My ego thrives when strangers stop me at Vons to chat about my latest recommendations.
Still, at a client’s holiday party, I noticed a Viking helmet from the Excalibur Casino. It prompted a discussion of my using photos for this column with other hats: sombrero, fez, beanie copter, etc.
The potential entertainment value is huge. A jester’s cap for April Fools’ Day, a stovepipe hat for Lincoln’s birthday; an Uncle Sam topper for July Fourth…the opportunities are endless.
And since I’ll do almost anything for a laugh, it’s been very tempting.
However, my bride, my editor and others admonished me not to screw around with something I’ve invested in so heavily to tie my face and the Panama hat together in the public mind.
Now available in paperback and on Kindle!
So, despite opportunities for a cheap laugh, I’ve decided to stay on-brand and keep the Panama hat as my personal and professional branding tool.
Because, regardless of what you sell, it’s critically important that you maintain consistent branding. After all, wearing a baseball cap to Costco means I’m just another guy in the crowd. The Panama, though, is easy to spot…even from a distance.
So I’m recommitting for 2025. This is my brand, and it’s not going anywhere.
With that said, I wish you a week or profitable marketing.
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