Things I’m Thankful For This Year

Over the past several months I’ve been increasingly upset about the state of the world, and couldn’t wait for the election to pass so we could all move on with our lives.

You may recall the lunch I had in August, reuniting me with a childhood friend whom I hadn’t seen in 20 years. As we parted, I asked her if she was happy with her life. Her response: “I’m grateful.”

I’ve since given the wisdom of that answer a lot of thought. And without getting maudlin, I’m taking a moment here to reflect on the important things in my own life.

Sales wizard Zig Ziglar noted “The more you express gratitude for what you have, the more likely you will have even more to express gratitude for.”

In that spirit, I’m taking time today to appreciate the many things, large and small, that make my days better.

These include a loving wife and daughter; my physical and mental health; and an affordable roof over my head. There’s clean water and heat in our home, and we never go to bed hungry.

We get to travel and spend time with good friends. I appreciate nature’s beauty, taking time to absorb the experience whenever possible. I enjoy my bride’s culinary skills, my daughter’s baking, and value the importance of music and art to my daily life.

As I consider this topic further, I’m grateful I command the community’s respect. I enjoy my career and do what I love. And, except under the worst circumstances, we’re maintaining our sense of humor.

I’m appreciative for a comfortable office chair and a window to look out of. With luck, I’ll soon have another puppy in my life to watch old movies with me.

And chocolate. Let’s NOT forget chocolate!

I learn new stuff from everyone I meet. Each morning’s a clean slate, ripe for adventure. My life includes smiles, laughter, hugs, and old friends with whom I can share deep, thoughtful conversations where I can take off the mask and be the real me.

Finally, I appreciate the opportunity to share my thoughts and engage with so many. I get positive feedback that strengthens me and criticism to help me improve myself.

So while everything’s not perfect, I look at all I’ve got…and I am grateful for a good life.

Thank you for being a part of it, and happy holiday!


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