Can Collecting For An MBA

Now well into our third month of lockdown, many have taken to binge watching Netflix and drinking to pass the time.

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Yet my father always told me when you’re killing time, you’re murdering opportunity.

Apparently, my friend Amanda is a student of my father’s philosophy. Currently unemployed (but not homeless), Amanda has enrolled in a Master’s program to improve her future employment prospects. She’s going great guns, and should be done before year-end.

To pay for classes, Amanda’s taken to collecting cans and bottles in the neighborhood. Every day she’s out hustling recyclables from the neighbors. You’ll regularly see her hauling bags of goodies, ready to be cashed in.

To date she’s raised over $1,500.

Sounds icky, doesn’t it? After all, how many of us (under the best of circumstances) will go elbow deep into trash and recycling bins, hauling out prizes worth three cents each?

Layer coronavirus threats atop that and it just seems healthier to let them go to the landfill, right?

But Amanda’s motivated and keeps her eye on the prize. She recognizes that a small investment in sweat equity today holds potential for a huge payoff tomorrow. She’s willing to set aside her squeamishness to help her reach her goal.

  • We call that entrepreneurship where I come from…and her lesson is a valuable one for businesses of every stripe, teaching us to:

  • Have an objective and a plan for reaching it

  • Be willing to work hard

  • Dig into the messy stuff

  • Keep going until you’re successful

Amanda has her family’s support, and has been maintaining a laser-like focus on reaching her goal. She’s truly an inspiration to all who observe her.

And by broadcasting her goals to allies, she’s been increasing her chances of long-term success. Neighbors have taken to collecting their deposit bottles for her, leaving full bags by their doors for her to pick up and cash in. They’re supporting her economically and emotionally, recognizing that her accomplishment is a triumph for everyone.

Regardless of your industry, the current environment demands everyone be more creative to reach their objectives. Thinking differently, consistently keeping one eye on the reward, and powering through the hard stuff; these are all guarantees of success and a more profitable tomorrow.

Consider it as you drink your next beer.

With that said, I wish you a week of profitable marketing.

MBA. Marketing Brings Activity.