Marketing Your Way Through Coronavirus

Businesses have closed, reopened, and closed again. Millions have shifted their shopping online. Predictions remain that 20-25% of workers will never return to an office.

Shopping patterns for eateries, shoes, gasoline, and almost everything else could permanently change. April fashion sales were down 79%, while sweatpants sales rose 80%.

Trillions of dollars have already filtered into the system, yet who knows what the future will bring? Smart business owners are examining their marketing plans to protect themselves in this environment.

A good place to start: contact your employees daily, providing emotional support. Keep team members on payroll (even if just partially) so you’re not short-staffed when business returns, and reinforce that you’re not disappearing.

Along those lines, actively remind customers and vendors of your business’ presence by:

1)     Keeping your online store and customer service current. Web-based sales promotions are a great way to stay top-of-mind.

2)     Communicating directly. Regularly email anyone with whom you have ever had a business relationship with a simple message; “We’re here. See you soon.”

3)     Being sensitive. Be flexible about extending credit to those out of work; they’ll remember you when things improve.

4)     Providing free services. Delivering personalized services that national chains can’t or won’t do will remind the community why it’s important they support your business.

5)     Remembering special things about customers and their families (birthdays, anniversaries, etc.) tells people they’re not just a number in a ledger.

6)     Planning a HUGE sale or celebration when the store finally re-opens.

Providing a human touch makes competing possible in today’s world. Advertising and messaging on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest and Pandora are all smart moves.

Fred Nasseri, owner of Unicorn Jewelry in Rancho Bernardo, CA, says is best: “We’re your neighbors, and we’re dedicated to giving back to our community.”

Want another good way to remind folks about the value your business brings? Donate or speak to Rotary clubs, underwrite charitable auctions, and get involved on the boards of area groups. They’ll all draw attention to what makes you different.

It’s a simple strategy: The best reason to market big in 2020 is 2021!, and the philosophy applies more today than ever before. Maintain your presence and plant lots of seeds now to help you see lots of growth when the dust settles.

With that said, I wish you a week of profitable marketing.

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