When Teachers Can’t Spell


OLD JOKE: A recent poll asked whether ignorance or apathy was a bigger problem. 47% didn’t know, 53% didn’t care.

Cue the rimshot.

Regular readers are probably familiar with my pet peeve regarding marketing-related typographical errors. Over the years they’ve heard me object to poorly proofed retail sales promotions, newspaper fliers, newsletters, websites, and business cards.

In the interests of full disclosure, I must admit to letting the occasional typo sneak into my own communications efforts. After all, nobody’s perfect and sometimes my proofreaders or I will miss something.

Hectoring people about such mistakes is typically of little value, as most are due less to ignorance than to haste. Taking an extra 10 minutes to proofread one more time inevitably would provide more accurate spelling.

Having an extra set of eyes review materials before pushing the button would also probably help…only we’re all in such a hurry.

In a perfect world, everyone should be able to spell properly or know when to reach for the dictionary. However, the prevalence of SPELL CHECK and peoples’ inherent laziness consistently preclude that fantasy from turning into reality.

Which explains my willingness to cut slack to artists, engineers, bankers, and a host of other disciplines when they can’t spell.

One professional category I cannot forgive, though, is education. The very people who are supposed to teach our youth the importance of good spelling and communications should, without exception, be able to spell.

So imagine my irritation when passing an Escondido school campus with signage trying to recruit new students. Their campus, just off I-15, sports a large banner announcing “We’re enroling new students.”

And yes, enrolling is mis-spelled.

They earn points for having a sign on a high traffic road. It provides substantial visibility with relatively low investment.

Yet a school with such a blatant typo makes me wonder about the quality of the education they’re providing.

It suggests to me that either they didn’t know (and WHY are they teaching others?) or they didn’t care (and WHAT are they teaching others?)

The lesson to take from this experience: People are paying attention to your efforts…and your mistakes. And while they’ll oftentimes give you a pass, there are some situations where perfection shouldn’t only be the goal…but the rule.

With that said, I wish you a week of profitable marketing.

Get extra eyes on your marketing at www.askmrmarketing.com.