A Moment of Introspection

Inside my head I’m 25, though my back has other ideas.

The reality? This month I’m turning 65. It awaits me like a cougar, striking when the time is right. It’s unavoidable.

It’s also a good example of actor George Burns’ observation that “Getting older beats hell out of the alternative.”

For months I’ve seen a steady stream of Medicare collateral in my mailbox. Their cumulative message has been crystal clear; “You’re getting old.”

Only I’m vibrant, energetic, and ready to hit the ground running every morning. “Screw you and your Medicare!” I think, unwilling to give in to the forces of nature.

The situation presents me with a dilemma. Do I eternally proclaim I’m 39 or just celebrate the anniversary of my 25th birthday?

Actually, neither. Knowing most of my crowd over 25 years, they’re sure to call me on it.

Rotarians must ask “Is it the truth?”. I’m 65 and must deal with that milestone.

As Robin Williams said: “Reality…what a concept.”

So I’m taking stock and seeing what I’ve accomplished so far. Like my business’ annual marketing plan, this is the moment to find doors I want to open and people I wish to meet. I’m forced into complete honesty about my goals and how to reach them.

Acknowledging my 65th birthday provides the perfect opportunity to review strategies for this next chapter of my life, family, and career. I’m replacing things that bore me with new challenges and implementing long-considered actions with an eye towards a more interesting tomorrow.

I’ve started a new business, am writing two books, and consulting with folks I want to be working with; not just taking any assignment that comes my way. I’m also clearing out negative people from my life, and am done just settling for good enough.

Surrounded by family, friends, supporters, and fans, I’m determined to make this a launching point for years of hard-charging creativity, strategic planning, and marketing solutions bridging traditional and digital media. I’m going to make sure I’m surrounded by talented, hard-working people who, above all, know how to have fun.

Therefore, I say to HELL with self-pity and feeling downtrodden…I’ve got work to do! I’ll see you in five or 10 years, and we can talk about retirement and relaxing then!

With that said, I wish you a week of profitable marketing.

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