My Delightful Week In Italy

My bride and I have been married for 30 years, and to celebrate we planned a two week vacation in Italy.


We scrimped and saved so we could fly in business class, take cooking lessons in Tuscany, and tour the Coliseum and Sistine Chapel. We were VERY excited when we bought tickets last October.

Then along came the coronavirus and ruined all our plans. Just as we were shifting gears to start acquiring clothes, tour books, and the like, Italy closed.

At our friend Lori’s suggestion, we decided to instead drive to Santa Fe, hit the Grand Canyon on the way home, and visit Italy NEXT year.

As that looked less likely, a few days of drinking wine in Santa Barbara started sounding pretty good…until Governor Newsom got wind of our idea and sealed us in our apartment.

So here we are…two fun-loving vacationers with no place to go.

Now our grand Italian celebration is increasingly evolving into a week of us watching spaghetti westerns, eating pizza, drinking chianti, and listening to Tony Bennett on YouTube.

In an attempt to reach a large goal, we’ve been as flexible as possible. It’s a lesson that every business owner can learn from.

Like us, your customers have plans and desires. They have money to spend and a time frame within which they’ll willingly spend it.

And, if you’ve maintained your visibility, they may even remember you when they’re ready to make their purchases.

To help them recall your business, maintain an ongoing presence with lots of social media and regular emails. Constantly update your website to encourage visitors to return, and provide free advice in a blog.

Are you a realtor who can’t meet prospects face-to-face? Promote your virtual tours and remind potential buyers that Spring is a great time to be looking.

Got a restaurant and want to lure more curbside traffic? Create an online promotion where the 100th customer gets their dinner free.

The point is your marketing must be flexible to survive these challenging times.

Because, in true Darwinian fashion, those who adapt to daily changes will eventually thrive. Those who don’t will be forgotten.

My plan is to lay in a healthy supply of wine and crank up the speakers.

What are YOU going to do?

With that said, I wish you a week of flexible marketing.

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