Value From A Soft Launch


An impactful brand must speak to customers, staff, media, and other audiences.

Without successfully communicating who and what your business is, the brand loses impact and risks becoming irrelevant. Even growing businesses will eventually stagnate.

Sometimes it’s hard to recognize the necessity for a brand refresh. However, every business needs to periodically revisit their public image, and my marketing agency was no different.

For 20 years we’d argued over the logo; a set of stairs suggesting building markets. We’d had countless debates whether my hat represented the agency or my personal branding. Given my prominence in the business, I argued it was both.

Then I learned prospective clients didn’t understand who we were, what we did, or why we mattered. Something obviously needed to change!

We strategized extensively to revitalize our professional persona. We recognized that we were a marketing consultancy with LOTS of connections, rather than being just another advertising agency.

It was a subtle, but important, difference.

A new website was designed and written to accurately reflect this revised image. Our revitalized message revealed previously hidden strengths.

Then a new logo was designed. Freshened up letterhead, invoices, and newsletter templates quickly followed.

Today I’ll confess we quietly launched the new website six weeks ago to work out kinks. Language was tweaked and images replaced until everything was perfect.

Frustratingly, this 6-month project took a year. Serves me right for being such a perfectionist.

But with today’ arrival of snappy new business cards we’re ready for prime time. Color me excited!

If it’s been years using your current business image, a new look may benefit you. It’ll allow you to clarify your message while re-introducing yourself to people so used to you that they don’t even see you anymore.

Here’s the thing: if you’re not telling your story properly, you can’t expect customers to do it for you. You need to spell out for them who you are and why you’re important.

Investing in your brand will bring tangible positive results to your bottom line. A fresh look will demonstrate your value, differentiate you from the competition, and encourage customers to champion you.

Things are slow right now, right? Put the time to good use by giving your organization a brand new look…and a brighter future.

With that said, I wish you a week of profitable marketing.

Check out the new look at