Don’t Over-Indulge at the Holidays

Benjamin Franklin accurately noted “It takes many good deeds to build a good reputation, and only one bad one to lose it.” And holiday parties are a landmine for ruining reputations.

The holidays can seem overwhelming when you don’t drink. It’s the season of spiking the eggnog, drinking too much cider to get through family events, champagne toasts and boozy bar crawls with hometown friends.

Whether you’re drinking to celebrate or to calm your nerves due to your narcissistic father, alcohol has become synonymous with the holidays for many people.

Then there’s the whole reputational thing, both business and personal. With so much alcohol coming at you from every direction, it can really be a challenge to stay sober.

We’ve all heard about company parties that got carried away when co-workers started smooching. Ancient history, right? Maybe not.

Then there was the industry conference I attended. On the last night we had a party, and one of my competitors showed up completely drunk.

He lost everyone’s respect, and we never viewed him the same way again!

As you’re attending various upcoming holiday events, remember that you’re a professional and your reputation is important to you. Whether it’s company or family, or even Rotary and Chamber of Commerce events, you’re always better off restraining yourself.

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Mind you, I’m not advocating being a teetotaler; just encouraging you to stay within your limits. Pacing yourself ensures you’ll stay healthy, safe, and don’t need an uber, a friend, or a spouse to get you home in one piece.

If appearances are important, but you want to limit your drinking, try a glass of seltzer with lime in it (it looks like alcohol, so nobody will give you grief). Or nurse one glassful throughout the evening, to discourage others from buying you drinks.

You can dissuade your participation in communal drinking by telling others you’re on medication. Or the designated driver. Or you have an early flight.

But never forget that you have to face these people tomorrow, and you still need to be able to work with them in some way.

Finally, remember Dr. Franklin. Because nobody wants to go to a holiday celebration tonight, only to be told tomorrow that their services are no long required at the company.

With that said, I wish you a week of profitable marketing and a happy, healthy holiday season.

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