You Deserve A Break Today


Like 39% of the population, I don’t sleep well these days.

Despite my reliance on wine and old movies, I'm typically awake at 3am thinking about WAY too many personal and professional issues.

This increasingly desperate situation finds me further behind each day. Both my creativity and humor are suffering. I MUST do something!

On day four of unfulfilling rest my mind drifted to a 1960s commercial for Sominex, which promised "Safe and restful. Sleep. Sleep. Sleep.” It’s sorely tempting.

With a product that’s available in the stores but no longer actively marketed, Sominex’s 50 year-old jingle calls to me across time. It’s an excellent reminder that good jingles help businesses break through marketplace noise.

Jingles are memorable, attention-grabbing musical snippets complementing a marketing message and enhancing a company’s story. To be effective they should get stuck in listeners’ heads, make a statement about a brand’s uniqueness, and leave a message that stays with potential customers long after they hear it.

This makes it EXTREMELY valuable!

Good examples include “Nationwide is on your side”, Chili’s “baby back ribs” ditty, and the Ricola yodel.

And whether your jingle is short or long, the right one can make the difference in your marketing strategy.

The fact is listeners probably won’t notice a jaunty background beat, but they’ll instantly recognize your snappy jingle. If my experience is any indication, they’ll remember it years later.

Furthermore, like a good logo, that jingle’s “stickiness” ensures listeners seeing signs or ads for your business will immediately associate the jingle with the brand. They’ll have an emotional bond with your brand, and when they need what you sell, guess who they’ll think of.

Regardless of what you sell, your branding efforts can probably benefit by incorporating a jingle into your radio, television, and online communications efforts. You can try doing it yourself, of course, but like so many aspects of your marketing campaign, you’re probably better off hiring someone who specializes in that craft.

And, like everything marketing related, the key to success is repetition. After all, Chili’s didn’t get people singing about ribs by placing an ad 10 times and quitting.

Meaning as you’re planning your communications efforts for the second half of 2021, explore how a jingle can help you reach your sales goals.

It might help you sing a happier tune.

With that said, I wish you a week of profitable marketing.

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