Remember QR codes?

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A few years back, QR codes were popular for (seemingly) 20 minutes.

Abbreviated from Quick Response code, QR codes are two-dimensional barcodes typically consisting of black squares in a square grid on a white background. They’re read by cell phone cameras, directing you towards a website or promotional landing page.

Now they’ve returned.

Actually, that’s not accurate, as they never really left us. Media vehicles never disappear; they just become part of the landscape.

Think about it. Radio was replaced by television, television by cable, and cable by digital media vehicles. Yet all three (radio, television, and cable) remain active communications tools.

The same can be said for direct mail, skywriting, and sandwich boards…the demise of each of which was predicted at some point. To paraphrase Mark Twain, “The report of their death was greatly exaggerated.”

Anyone paying attention isn’t surprised that QR codes continue lurking off-stage. Recent indications are they’re making a resurgence.

Consider the latest virtual cocktail party I participated in. A package containing cocktail fixings and a matchbook arrived by mail. On the matchbook’s cover; a large QR code taking me to the cocktail company’s website.

In two weeks since I’ve seen a business card, direct mail envelope, doctor’s waiting room monitor presentation, and a box of groceries…all adorned with QR codes.

I can’t confidently say they’re experiencing a revival, but they DO appear to have a permanent place in the marketing arsenal.

QR codes can be useful tools for anyone’s communications efforts. They’re easily applied to small spaces, then guide readers to comprehensive stories online.

Meaning you may acquire new prospects with a good headline and a QR code.

In tough times it’s critical to expand your marketing. Regardless of what you sell, QR codes will allow you to test newspaper ads, postcards, and numerous other media outlets at minimal cost. The real selling will happen on the web page you refer readers to.

And don’t forget to test B2B (business to business) marketing at area chamber of commerce networking events. Displaying artwork with a large QR code enables visitors to take a photo and access your message later at their convenience.

As you tiptoe toward your 2022 marketing efforts, plan to incorporate this low-cost strategy into whatever else you’re planning to do.

With that said, I wish you a week of profitable marketing.

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