Who Hates Steven Singer?
As my wedding anniversary approaches, I’m reminded of days long ago when I’d read personal ads like “SWF, loves long walks on the beach”.
Yet one ad that drew gobs of interest read “Hunchback dwarf, bad breath, surly attitude.”
Being different, it instantly captured attention. The guy placing the ad met many beautiful women with his unique approach.
Wedding anniversaries also make one think of jewelers. Last week, driving into NY from Newark Airport, I noticed the simple black billboard screaming “I hate Steven Singer!”
Why would someone hate Mr. Singer SO much that they’ll announce it with a billboard and website?
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A Philadelphia jeweler, Mr. Singer supposedly had a customer who bought his wife a ring for their 20th anniversary. The wife loved the ring, and their celebration resulted in an unplanned third child.
Nine months after the jewelry purchase, the couple came by the store to show off their new baby. The man complained about late feedings and changing diapers, loudly announcing “I hate Steven Singer.”
Thus a marketing campaign was born!
Most personal ads shout “I’m nice!” so they don’t feel threatening. Most jewelry advertising focuses on shiny baubles and images of loving couples.
The hunchbacked dwarf and the angry husband are both great stories, and they may even be true. Regardless of their veracity, though, such tales ignite people’s curiosity, encouraging them to learn more. They’re gimmicks…and they work.
Obviously, neither account I’m sharing fits the traditional mold. Indeed, had either been conventional, most folks wouldn’t have given them a second thought. However, because they were so unusual, they captured attention from their respective audience…which was EXACTLY the idea.
Regardless of the business you’re in, you may also be able to do something out of the ordinary to grab attention and increase sales. Examine what you’re selling and to whom you’re selling it. Then carefully research what your competition is doing, find the common patterns…and do just the opposite.
Announcing your presence in ways that are loud and brash may not be your normal style. But shaking things up with such a strategy could be just what you need to expand your presence in the marketplace. You’ll immediately stand out of the crowd, get people buzzing about you, and sell a lot more.
With that said, I wish you a week of profitable marketing.
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