This Nickel’s Worth A Dollar

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Mid-December is a great opportunity to finish assignments, clearing the decks for the typical January onslaught.

Consider one week when I completed a PowerPoint, organized my files, revised my marketing plan, and cleaned up my books.

On Christmas Eve, while straightening my desk, I tripped across a wooden nickel I’d received from Pat O’Sullivan at Rancho Bernardo’s Village Mail & More.

The size of a silver dollar, it offered $1 off my next purchase. I like Pat’s store but don’t visit there very often. I kept the coin as a reminder.

When I was a kid, my grandfather would tell me “Don’t take any wooden nickels;” it was a colorful way of saying “Don’t let yourself be cheated.”

I learned the lesson, remaining skeptical of wooden coinage…and many other things. The question immediately jumps to mind: why does Pat hand out these wooden nickels?

Were I in her shoes I’d probably be walking funny. But I’d also guess there were several reasons for using these promotional coins, including their being:

  • Cheaper than pens, coffee mugs, and reusable bags

  • Environmentally friendly

  • Different than what her competition’s using

  • Easy to distribute to potential clientele

It seems there’s a veritable cornucopia of marketing items available these days, so it’s really no surprise that wooden nickels have become a communications tool.

They’re used for political candidates, geocaching, fundraising, play money, and discounts. Pat uses them to lure customers.

Best of all, returned coins go straight into her pocket to be handed to the next sales prospect. This recycles the coins, improves her sales, and lowers her marketing costs.

Clever lass.

Pat’s been handing these coins out at Chamber of Commerce events for years, and it's obviously a successful promotion…since she keeps doing it.

I forget when I got this coin, but that’s unimportant. It remains with me, despite my grudging recognition that I probably won’t even have it with me when I’m shopping with her.

Despite the reality that I probably won’t even get the discount, the coin will have made repeated impressions on me, reminding me to visit her location.

As you’re looking for promotional programs of your own moving forward, do what Pat’s done and find ways to stand out of the crowd. It’s the coin of the marketing realm.

With that said, I wish you a week of profitable marketing.

Mention Mr. Marketing to Pat and you’ll get a free wooden nickel discount.