Effective selling is all about your attitude. Recognize going in that you have nothing to lose. Then go for it anyway.
I did and it fixed a 20-year-old pain in my heart.
Read MoreEffective selling is all about your attitude. Recognize going in that you have nothing to lose. Then go for it anyway.
I did and it fixed a 20-year-old pain in my heart.
Read MoreNobody will want to do business with you because they feel sorry for you. They’ll want to do business with you because they believe you’re successful, and they want some of that success to rub off on them.
Read MoreGiven that the contents of both small and large packages were the same, the larger package should have cost less than two smaller packages. And it didn’t.
That's just SCREWY!
Read More“Marching to your own drummer is enough to catch attention. This is a lesson worth remembering as you’re developing your organization’s future marketing efforts.”
Read More“I need you to get six Apple Gift cards for $100 each. Scratch the back and take clear pictures of each card and send it to me on this mail so I can share them to each selected staffer on the team. Use your personal funds; you’ll be reimbursed later.”
Read MoreRecognizing we all need to sell ourselves on some level, I see this column as a vehicle for helping you try and sell your message, regardless of the business you’re in.
Read MoreArtificial Intelligence is great for research, coding, and organizing vast databases, but how is it for creating original content? Here's a 3-minute read on efforts to have an AI program write a novel.
Spoiler alert: It wasn't pretty!
Regardless of what you sell, you’re doubtlessly meeting lots of new people all the time. I promise that if you don’t have business cards in your pocket, you’re missing chances to reinforce in the moment who you are and what you do.
Read MoreTo be successful, emotionally connecting with a customer is key to making them like you.
Read MoreThis is a solid reminder to constantly develop new ideas of what to sell and how to sell it. And recognizing in advance that even the “best” ideas can fail.
Read MoreToday’s column is dedicated to Stella Wilner, my first-grade teacher who always believed in my ability to write. And it announces the official launch of my new book!
Read MoreSans hat, I’d become invisible. The moment I put it on and stood up, everyone recognized me and applauded.
Read MoreTaking time to consider the buying experience from the customer’s perspective can go a long way to helping you achieve your objective.
Read MoreHundreds of colorful messages were vying for my attention. The black and white QR code was the one I responded to…because it was different.
Read MoreWhy would someone hate Steven Singer SO much that they’ll announce it with a billboard and website?
Read MoreClickbait has a well-deserved bad reputation. If you’re tempted to use it to attract attention to your own website, recognize going in that you’re tagging yourself up-front as a low-quality player.
Read MoreAsk yourself this: why would entertainment’s most powerful woman be involved with a slipshod marketing campaign selling weight loss gummies?
Read MoreAnyone familiar with the story of Willy Wonka recognizes the fury that can be generated by a good promotional campaign.
Read MoreCustomers are watching EVERY move you make and every statement you utter. Considering spreading tribalism, can you expand your business within your community without offending sales prospects who are “outsiders"?
And what happens when your core values don’t match your actions?
This in-depth analysis examines whether your company should be discussing controversial issues, how to do so, and potential impacts (good and bad) on your business if you do.
It’s a 15-minute read…and WELL worth the investment!
Read MoreMany people tell me they’re not comfortable tooting their own horn. If you assume that position, your competition will probably steal your business.
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