I asked ChatGPT about its qualifications for handling a company’s marketing. In a completely unedited response, here’s what it said.
Read MoreDo a quick online search and you’ll turn up Deep Fried Chocolate, White Peppermint, Mint Chocolate, Cotton Candy and Orange Crème Pop Twinkies…among others.
Read MoreThough these rats have better rhythm than I do, a 21-day rodential rumba festival over my head seemed less than entertaining.
Read MoreGiven the state of the world and the increasingly bellicose language from the right side of the political aisle, I can’t help but wonder how many potential customers might look at this jewelry, see something that wasn’t intended, and decide to shop elsewhere.
Read MoreWithin 400 words crammed onto a single page, this woman presented her professional profile, including 10 blatant mistakes.
Read MoreKnowing that buying your widget will support a worthy cause may be just the nudge needed to land them in your corner versus the competition’s.
Read MoreAmazon’s $500-plus billion business accounts for 6.5% of all US retail sales and 44.9% of digital retail spending … and it’s using print to grow its business!
Read MoreI know many dogs who attended school. They graduated knowing how to march and have unsurpassed culinary talents. But none got a passing grade in reading.
Read MoreThere’s good news: there are crumbs falling off the table from big budget movie marketing, and you may be able to pick them up and benefit from it.
Read MoreWhy would someone hate Steven Singer SO much that they’ll announce it with a billboard and website?
Read MoreTreat everyone with the utmost respect and parse your words carefully, because you never know what stray comment will set someone off.
Read MoreDon’t like the spokesperson? A-B just wants to sell beer. They don’t care what body parts you have when you’re drinking it.
Read MoreWell-run businesses let lawyers and accountants guide them while focusing on marketing and sales. THAT’s how you keep shareholders happiest in the long run.
Read MoreCustomers are watching EVERY move you make and every statement you utter. Considering spreading tribalism, can you expand your business within your community without offending sales prospects who are “outsiders"?
And what happens when your core values don’t match your actions?
This in-depth analysis examines whether your company should be discussing controversial issues, how to do so, and potential impacts (good and bad) on your business if you do.
It’s a 15-minute read…and WELL worth the investment!
Read MoreThe holidays are a great time to test brand extensions. Partiers have a chance to try something new with relatively little risk. If you get positive feedback, you expand your testing in the new year.
Read MoreAny savvy marketer knows that taking the time to slap creates an opportunity for a clever response.
Read MoreWhat someone’s wearing means nothing more than a fashion choice. There’s now increasing focus on the talent people bring to each situation, and the services they provide.
Read MoreProduct placement’s $23 billion business has grown over 500% in the past 10 years. After all, viewers can’t skip through these commercials.
Read MoreMany people tell me they’re not comfortable tooting their own horn. If you assume that position, your competition will probably steal your business.
Read MoreMany consumers, particularly among Millennials and Gen Z, want to do business with firms dedicating themselves to making the world a better place. Frontwave is showing us an excellent way of doing such cause-related marketing.
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