Well-run businesses let lawyers and accountants guide them while focusing on marketing and sales. THAT’s how you keep shareholders happiest in the long run.
Read MoreAny organization concerned about their future must regularly examine their marketing strategies to best understand what customers are doing…and why.
Read MoreComplete strangers recognize me, and we build a relationship…merely because they saw my picture in an email.
Pretty slick, no?
Read MoreAnyone familiar with the story of Willy Wonka recognizes the fury that can be generated by a good promotional campaign.
Read MoreEven if you successfully get something intelligible from artificial intelligence writing your content, it’s sure to take on a certain sameness over time.
Read MoreSo big groups of hungry people egged on by peer pressure bought her product, with no competition in sight. BRILLIANT!
Read MoreRomantic success is about opportunity, risk-assessment, luck, timing, and guts. Sometimes our enthusiasm can be our own worst enemy.
Read MoreMy brief flirtation with national office raised concerns around my dinner table. Out of an abundance of caution, I’ve had the house thoroughly searched for important documents.
Read MoreCustomers are watching EVERY move you make and every statement you utter. Considering spreading tribalism, can you expand your business within your community without offending sales prospects who are “outsiders"?
And what happens when your core values don’t match your actions?
This in-depth analysis examines whether your company should be discussing controversial issues, how to do so, and potential impacts (good and bad) on your business if you do.
It’s a 15-minute read…and WELL worth the investment!
Read MoreOver 15 million US workers have quit their jobs since April 2021, a record pace disrupting businesses everywhere. Companies are struggling to address the problem for one simple reason: they don’t understand why their employees are leaving in the first place.
Read MoreFailure to take personal hygiene into account when walking your career path can almost certainly lose you professional opportunities, regardless of how good your credentials may be.
Read MoreI get annoyed when solicitations arrive from companies I’m already doing business with. To me it indicates laziness or a deaf ear.
Read MoreGiven the choice between someone just wanting my money and someone who actually knows (and cares) who I am, I’m going to go for the latter choice EVERY TIME. And I’m not alone!
Read MoreHiring someone’s relative is potentially fraught with risk. Not all introductions will work out well, and there’s always a possibility that this type of situation can happen to anyone.
Read MoreThe holidays are a great time to test brand extensions. Partiers have a chance to try something new with relatively little risk. If you get positive feedback, you expand your testing in the new year.
Read MoreAny savvy marketer knows that taking the time to slap creates an opportunity for a clever response.
Read MoreWhat someone’s wearing means nothing more than a fashion choice. There’s now increasing focus on the talent people bring to each situation, and the services they provide.
Read MoreWith the Black Friday trend now virtually everywhere, I’m assuming the stores are all insane. I have enough pressure in my life, and shopping doesn’t make me feel merry.
Read MoreNever forget that you have to face these people tomorrow, and you still need to be able to work with them in some way.
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