Prospective clients expect you to be available. Be reachable, even if you’re leaving town, or be prepared for possible consequences.
Read MoreAs you’re developing your marketing strategies for the next few fiscal quarters, consider what’s going on in the world around you in search of ways to expand your own message, visibility and sales.
Read MoreAs you’re developing your marketing strategies for the next few fiscal quarters, consider what’s going on in the world around you in search of ways to expand your own message, visibility and sales.
Read MoreA long-shot contender at the bottom of recent polls, Doug Burgum’s offering $20 gift cards to the first 50,000 people who donate $1 to his campaign.
Read MoreThere’s good news: there are crumbs falling off the table from big budget movie marketing, and you may be able to pick them up and benefit from it.
Read MoreWhy would someone hate Steven Singer SO much that they’ll announce it with a billboard and website?
Read MoreAs a 16-year-old digital marketer with a following of 100,000+ Gen Z members, I know what catches the eye of my followers.
Read MoreMedicare providers are much like realtors, popping up like mushrooms after a rainstorm. These days it’s impossible to swing a dead cat without hitting 10 of them.
Read MoreGood enough…isn’t. It’s a lesson many family-owned businesses need to learn.
Read MoreClickbait has a well-deserved bad reputation. If you’re tempted to use it to attract attention to your own website, recognize going in that you’re tagging yourself up-front as a low-quality player.
Read MoreI say to HELL with self-pity and feeling downtrodden…I’ve got work to do! I’ll see you in five or 10 years, and we can talk about retirement and relaxing then!
Read MoreThese folks strive to be different, and welcome others who are different. It’s become one of the few breweries I go out of my way to return to.
Read MoreTreat everyone with the utmost respect and parse your words carefully, because you never know what stray comment will set someone off.
Read MoreAsk yourself this: why would entertainment’s most powerful woman be involved with a slipshod marketing campaign selling weight loss gummies?
Read MoreWondering why my readers send me love letters? Take 3 minutes to read how I've saved thousands of professionals from being fleeced, and you, too, will become a fan.
Read MoreUnderstanding that everyone wants something for nothing, look at what you sell and find a way to give away enough to whet your audience’s appetite.
Read MoreDon’t like the spokesperson? A-B just wants to sell beer. They don’t care what body parts you have when you’re drinking it.
Read MoreIn The Devil Wears Prada, it was observed that a particular blue sweater represents millions of dollars and countless jobs guiding any consumer’s fashion choice, based on decisions that were made years ago.
Here's how this year's decision will impact YOU!
Read MoreThe average American eats 252 pounds of meat and 68 pounds of chicken per year. You get 440 pounds of meat from a cow and 2 lbs. from a chicken. My decision saves one cow and 60 chickens every 21 months.
Read MoreThis clever message is sure to persuade its audience to place advertising in this publication. Too bad they stole it from someone else.
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